Focus time! It is the definitive program teaching NLP Strategies, designed to provide you the best and most effective strategies with the aim of generating lasting changes in yourself and in the people around you.
Think how far you would go if you decide to take a new path. Before starting we invite you to ask yourself some key questions:
In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?
When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, or have lost your focus temporarily, what usually do you do?
What is one of the best or most valuable investments you’ve ever made in your life?
Focus Time! was created taking into account the fundamental bases and principles of NLP, but mainly of the New Code. Currently this program has the best and most updated strategies, including the latest generation of NLP. Focus Time! is specialized in offering you the latest approach to the work of one of its creators: Dr. John Grinder.
Since John Grinder and Richard Bandler developed Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in the 1970s, this discipline has gained exponential popularity for its effective application and for the great results obtained by those who practiced it. Without a doubt, NLP has contributed to one of the first Coaching models: the famous “Metamodel”, the ability to use language more precisely. And the work of Grinder and Bandler is focused on generating remarkable and lasting changes in people.
Later in the 80s when NLP was already known in various parts of the world, both developers decided to separate in order to continue their own style of teaching NLP. Thus, John Grinder realizes that within the initial work carried out in conjunction with Bandler, there were some "coding errors". Quoting his textual words: "We were not considering the unconscious mind".
Together with Judith Delozier, Grinder at first begins to develop the first foundations of what is now the new code, but later they decide to separate, so John with the desire to continue working, continues to collaborate with Carmen Bostic St. Clair, who is currently his wife and with whom he dedicates to teach seminars in different parts of the world.
One of the main coding errors of the classic code, according to Grinder, is that when carrying out a coaching process, for example, asking the client what he wants to change, he responds based on a conscious process, which usually "is a limited and / or imprecise process", if it's not observed and taken into account the unconscious nonverbal response during the process.
Grinder's work in recent years with the New Code is primarily based on the change of state with the help of the unconscious mind. In the words of the same Grinder:
This means that in order to generate a change in a certain context, you must first change your state. In the new code, the unconscious mind is responsible for making and creating the necessary adjustments and resources.
Several scientific studies show that the unconscious mind is much more receptive than the conscious mind. This is in charge of regulating most of our physical and chemical processes, for example activating adrenaline hormones to face situations that require the maximum of our performance. Our unconscious mind also stores our memories, protects us from dangerous situations, being able to react in fractions of a second.
In the new code the main objective is to "activate" precisely our unconscious mind through some "games". These games will help us access a high performance state, a completely different state change, where the player / client will be able to face the context from another physical and mental level.
Another application of the new code is the so-called "dialogue with the unconscious", a simple but powerful strategy to change a habit, correct a condition or discomfort, establish internal filters, etc. through signals.
Think for a moment, during the process of healing a wound, for example, it is our body (our unconscious) in charge of healing or correcting that wound, it is a totally natural process, although it is true that you could use medications "to accelerate the process ”, in the end, as part of our nature, our body has the resources to do it. Now imagine being able to communicate with this part in order to understand the reason for the different signals (be they internal, external, physical or emotional sensations) and thus be able to generate changes. Scientists have demonstrated the powerful connection between body and mind, which is why Grinder has based his work of recent years on listening to what our unconscious mind is communicating to us.
John Grinder is considered one of the most influential great thinkers of recent times. If you want to know first-hand what he is sharing about the latest in NLP, train with those who have been trained directly by him.

Because I want to give you only the best of the best, i have divided this event into two main areas:
Your personal area: these are the best available strategies used by high-performance people who have made amazing changes in their lives. If you are interested in helping others, you will discover that if you start to generate changes in your life, helping other people is easier, because now these skills that are part of you.
Your area as an agent of change: How important is it to know strategies to help people generate transcendental changes? Imagine how your life would change if you learn and acquire these skills, imagine that simply by communicating with people in a more effective and precise way, you can change their lives. We will teach you the skills that every high-performance change agent uses, you will have your toolbox available wherever you go.
I'm going to create efficient habits and routines that will help you generate the necessary resources to face and overcome your difficulties, expanding your comfort zone. Many times what you want is beyond your comfort and it may be difficult for you to overcome it, but with what you are going to learn in Focus Time! you will realize that you can create the resources you need in the shortest possible time.
You will optimize your communication, improving your relationships with the people around you, with they family members, friends, colleagues and / or work teams using effective communication strategies, as well as others to establish empathy. In the end it will seem much more natural to talk to people.
You will learn how to manage your emotions by changing your mood using simple and very effective strategies. You will realize that your attitude will improve remarkably, you will leave the course ready to go for more.
You will be able to communicate with yourself on an unconscious level, you will realize what your body and mind are communicating to you. Once you do, your performance and abilities will level up.
You will learn about the best strategies available to help people generate remarkable and lasting changes.
We will give you a guide to carry out a NLP session.
You will know the secrets of the great Coaches.
You are going to share the experience and the key philosophy of one of the creators of NLP.
You will exercise with all the strategies that I will teach you, I will guide you to help you from gaining mastery in each one of them giving you feedback.
Coaches Parents
Teachers Students
I like to be honest with you:
This course is for people who are truly willing to access high performance states to create lasting change.
why focus time! is the best choice?
There are countless NLP courses in the world, some of them very good, but thanks to the results obtained by our students, they have shared with us that we are not just another course. Focus Time! It is the next level that will take you even further, it is definitely the course that every Coach, Trainer, Student, professionist and teacher should take.
Maybe so far you have obtained great results in your professional, work or student life, but if you have felt stuck in your comfort zone, or you would like to hone your skills, or if you simply want to generate a change with yourself or helping others, you need to get close to people who inspire you and who challenge you to go for more.
Our students confirm that our style of teaching is particular, and that we love our work, and we are convinced that "When you have fun you learn much faster".
Think about the things you are good at, don't you have fun?
If you feel fed up with mediocre results, you have to come to Focus Time! because I'm going to push you to go to the next level of success.
Something we learned from John Grinder:
what i'm going to learn?
First of all, you will learn the Fundamental Pillars of NLP, once mastered, they will allow you to become a master of NLP.
Calibration: it is the mother of all NLP techniques. It is the innate and generally unconscious capacity to perceive through the senses the information or responses to internal and / or external stimuli.
Rapport: It is a state of unconscious response. Rapport is when a person responds to you non-verbally, unconsciously matching the movements of their body and the tonal qualities of their voice with yours. In other words, the ability to empathize with people.
State Choice: The ability to choose your own state will greatly determine the quality of your performance in any activity.
Secondly, we are going to teach you the best exercises in the Classic Code, these will allow you to generate changes from day one.
Perceptual positions: Different ways of seeing the same situation. These types of techniques allow you to acquire much more flexibility. They also serve to obtain much more precise feedback on the points to improve or change in a given situation.
Representation systems: The representation systems together with their derivatives “submodalities, are the way of working from a person's own internal map, they also help you to modify a situation by reprogramming your mind.
Language of precision and persuasion: in this category two great techniques come in, the “Metamodel” and the “Milton Model”, both of which will allow you to use your language much more effectively, you will be more aware of how you will use your words and how they can create a great impact in your life and in the lives of people.
Classic NLP exercises: At this point you will learn exercises such as "Personal Editing" "Timelines" "Map Across", exercises designed to achieve behavioral changes in the shortest possible time.
Than, we are going to reveal the best of the New NLP Code:
You are going to learn how to create high performance states: through the famous games of the new code, you are going to notice how making a state change turns out to be very simple.
We will teach you what Grinder calls the “Dialogue with the Unconscious”: with this approach, you will be able to change habits, correct a condition, establish filters, improve communication with yourself, as well as understand the signals that your body transmits to you. But you will also be able to guide people to create lasting changes through exercises such as "restructuring in N phases".
Coaching Session with New Code: You will understand how the strategies of the new code fit together perfectly in a coaching session, or a session with groups. You will also learn the techniques most used by the Grinder himself.
NLP 3.0: Focus. It is at this point that you will simply learn the latest of the latest. Here the classic code is merged with the new code to be able to access as many resources as possible. How to solve a context being in that context.
Welcome to the latest generation of NLP.
why it is the right program for me?

Focus time! is definitely for you, if at least 3 of the following things happen to you or usually happen to you:
It is hard for you to get out of a state that you consider negative or useless.
You find it difficult to convey a certain message or establish effective communication with people.
There are certain contexts in your life that you do not know how to face in a different way.
The results that you get with your clients after a session, become ineffective.
People look for you to ask for help or advice, but in the absence of strategies, you prefer not to intervene, you don't know what to do or when you intervene sometimes you are not correct.
You have a group of people in your charge and you would like to motivate or guide them in a different way.
You would like to hone your skills as a change agent, but after searching other sites, you still can't find the strategy or strategies that convince you.
You think it is time to create a change in your life, but you don't know where to start.
Do you have doubts that prevent you from registering?
If you are a Coach, you would like to be one, or you work with groups of people and you want to enhance once and for all your abilities to generate positive changes in people or even in yourself, this course is definitely for you.
How are we so sure of this?
Because like you, I'm in constant contact with groups of people and these techniques have made my work easier. I have helped hundreds of people through personalized courses, seminars and sessions.
The course is designed progressively. Our teaching style is very well thought out, this makes the learning environment the optimal for higher performance, thus allowing progress to be constant and at your own pace.
I'm so sure that this course WILL MARK A BEFORE AND AFTER YOUR LIFE, that:
WE OFFER you a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
If you are committed to getting involved in this fascinating experience, REGISTER NOW.
You have nothing to lose! Because we are going to offer you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. This means that if at the end of the first day of Focus Time! you have not obtained any result, you can request your return and we will give you your money back, without asking anything in return.
1.We give this event in different parts of the WORLD and ONCE EVERY YEAR per country.
2. We have a limited number of participants. As we want to guarantee the Best Quality, thus making the participants have an unforgettable experience, when we reach the number of registrations that we can handle, we close the registration. And we don't want to have to tell you that the space is already full.
3. There are discounts and bonuses for the first people who sign up. If you are convinced that this course can give you the push to make the leap, why wait and lose the additional benefits?
4.You can't postpone your development. More than 2,500 coaches, professionals, professors, students and coaches have completed this training and have obtained extraordinary results from day one!

The problem is NOT the problem. The problem is the state that the client goes into as s/he approaches the context where s/he thinks the problem is.
- John Grinder -
"A few well-chosen words said at the right time can transform a person's life."
- John Grinder -

This course is designed so that you get results immediately, not in five years, nor in three. Each of our strategies are easy to apply, thus guaranteeing lasting great satisfaction.
In this Course I will help you grow in your profession and in your personal life!
Focus Time! it is a very well thought out course. Every day I have very well defined goals to help you develop the skills and attitude you need.

"To assimilate and learn a certain thing faster, you have to be exposed to the longest amount of time within the experience, using all your physiology."
- John Grinder -